Saturday, May 23, 2015

Birthday Weekend :)

So I turned 24 yesterday.  I'm still in denial.  I seriously tried to convince everyone that I was turning 23, again.  ha.  But aside from being one year older I had the best birthday I think I have ever had. :).
The day started out like any other day, but Jon was off so it was a real treat.  We kinda lounged around and then he took me to get a cupcake from my favorite bakery, Designer Desserts.  Seriously, if you have never been there you need to drop everything and go there. Right now.  It's a little bakery in downtown Valparaiso that makes gourmet cupcakes.  They are like heaven in your mouth.  I usually get the tuxedo cheesecake cupcake, but I went out on a limb and got the white chocolate mousse cupcake.  It was to die for.  I'm sorry I didn't take a picture, I got too excited!
We then went to Chesterton and went to a local resale shop where we found this gem:
I tried really hard to convince Jon we needed to buy this, but he resisted.  How? I'll never know.
That night Jon invited a bunch of our friends out to dinner at Shoreline Brewery.  This place is so cool!  They lay out brown paper on the tables and give you crayons!  I was ridiculously excited about this.  As soon as everybody arrived we got to coloring. 
 This was drawn by my dear friend, Sara. :)

 We got a happy pretzel.  Yummy in my tummy!
Marco's fancy octopus. :)
Jon and two of my favorite preggos!  Jamie is due in November and Bethy is due in July!  I can't wait to hold those babies!!!!!!!!

 Dinner :)
Marco and Maddie.  They are adorable.
All in all this was the best birthday I've had in years.  I love that it was so chill and I got to spend it with a few of my favorite people in the whole world.  I love you guys.  Talk to you soon! xoxox