Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Baby King Coming soon!!!!

So as many of you know, Jon and I are expecting our first baby in December!!!
We are beyond thrilled and still a little in shock to be honest.
It all started about 8 weeks ago.  I was feeling a little off and it was coming close to "that time of the month" and so I didn't think anything of it.  One morning, Jon was leaving to go to the gym and I just was like, "Hey babe can you pick up a dollar store pregnancy test just to rule it out?" And said he sure.  
He came back later in the afternoon and I didn't take it until like 3 hours later.  I honestly didn't want to be disappointed again.  So I finally got up the nerve to take it and within 30 seconds it turned up positive.  I immediately started crying!  Jon was tentatively excited and said we needed to go get a "real" test. Haha. Lo and behold those came up positive too!
About three weeks later we had our first ultrasound and it was the most magical thing ever!! I could look at the baby all day, everyday if I could!
After that we felt safe to tell our families and they were beyond thrilled!
I am at the tailend of my first trimester and the nausea and exhaustion are finally starting fade.  Lately I've been craving chips and salsa like crazy!!!!
I think that's it for now!!!

Monday, May 16, 2016

A little update

It has been almost a year since I have posted at this point.  I have really missed being away.  Now that school is almost over I finally am getting some extra time.  Since you heard from me last I enrolled in an esthetics program at a local beauty school and I graduate in a few weeks.  Jon is still at the same job but is getting ready to get certified as a personal trainer.  We didn't end up getting a new apartment, we are now living at my mother-in-law's house.  We are currently saving to buy our own home. :)
So here is the last year in pictures :)
 The best thing that happened in 2015 was the birth of both of my nephews!!!!

I am continuing to hone my makeup skills

Lots of cuddling with my favorite girl :)

One of my favorite things that I learned from school was special effects makeup

This past year has been crazy exciting and I can't wait to see what the next year has in store!!
By the way, I will be posting much more often in the future!!!