Monday, August 8, 2016

22 Weeks

How big is baby?
About the size of a spaghetti squash.  Or about 8 in. She also weighs about a pound! 
We only have about 17 weeks until my due date!!!!
She can also hear sounds more clearly outside the womb.  We have also found that she loves the drums!!
Oh! We also saw her kick for the first time!! Like from the outside!!! It was seriously the most amazing thing I have ever seen!!! I think I got a little teary-eyed (not that it takes much these days). 

And it's official! I can't see my feet!! Anyone want to give me a pedicure?? LOL.
I also got my first prenatal massage this week.  I have been having a lot of pain in my hips lately and the massage really seemed to help so I will definitely be going back!

My sweet husband has been so sweet and helped me indulge my cravings this week.  He took me on an impromptu dinner date to Red Robin! Yum!
 The New Cupcake Milkshake!! Sooo Good!!!!

 Excuse my face, but I just can't get over these socks!!
Lately, I have been finding myself going through all Charlotte's clothes more and more often!!
I just can't wait to hold her!!!
I know I've posted this picture before, but I can't help it!! I'm obsessed with her!!!

Today has been pretty rough.  I think I slept wrong and my lower belly has been really sore all day.  I was told it was a combination of my ligaments stretching and some Braxton Hicks contractions.  So its is plenty of rest and fluids for me today. :(
Next week we have our 24 week appointment and get to hear our little girl's heartbeat!!! I can't wait!!!
Talk to you guys soon!

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