Saturday, July 25, 2015

Our Journey Down South Part Two

So uploading this blog was definitely a challenge this week!! It seemed like everything that could go wrong, did go wrong!  But don't worry, I got it all worked out and we are back. 
So we got into Tybee Island late at night and my family did not get in until like midnight. So that first night was a late one!
Could you tell how thrilled my sister is about taking this picture??!!

 Jon was wiped out by the end of day one.  He will probably kill me for posting this but he looked so cute how could I not?!

So on our first real night in Tybee, we decided that we wanted some really good seafood.  So we went to the Crab Shack.  This place is the coolest.  It is an open air restaurant and they have baby alligators that you can feed while you are waiting for your table. :) 

My mom and my sister :)

Hubster and my brother :).  This makes my heart happy.

Oh. My. Gosh. The food was amazing.  This was how seafood was meant to be eaten.  End of story.
Ha.  Just kidding! :P
The next day we went on a dolphin tour that was equally amazing!

 Family Picture minus Jon.  Don't we look thrilled?! Ha.  To be fair, it was REALLY hot that day!

My only good picture of a dolphin.  There were tons out, but those guys are fast!

So the next day we went on a bus tour of Savannah. Sadly, it was hard to get really good pictures of the city while we were in the bus but I got some later on in the week when we went back :)

 City Hall :)

 This is the oldest tree in Georgia.
And below is the inside of one of the many churches in Savannah.

 This is a statue of the Waving Lady.  She used to stand outside her house and wave to the ships coming in. :) Legend has it that she was looking for her long-lost love.

Well, guys, that's it!! We had such an amazing time and feel so blessed to be included on this wonderful adventure!!
So until next time.. xoxo

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