Thursday, July 21, 2016


I cannot believe that I am halfway through my pregnancy!!!!! It feels like just yesterday that we were looking at a positive pregnancy test. :). 
According to the What to Expect While You're Expecting App, our little girl is the size of a mango.  And she weighs about 10oz.  She is actually a little bigger (She was 10 ounces at our 18 week ultrasound! Eek!)
Charlotte is kicking like crazy.  I love that I can get to know her in this way. :). She goes crazy when I eat spicy food, by caffeine chills her out.  Is that weird or what?
At my last appointment I had gained about 10 pounds total.  I am so grateful that my husband has kept me motivated to keep moving!! Pokemon Go helps too LOL.
I haven't really had any cravings, but I still can't have pizza.  If I try to brave it, I'll wake up in the middle of the night with terrible heartburn.  As much as your girl LOVES pizza the pain just isn't worth it.  And it makes me sad everyday. :(
I have been having some crazy dreams lately.  The one that I remember the most is that Charlotte was born and I was trying to breastfeed her but she would only latch on one side so the nurses had me supplement with formula which I was not happy about lol.  This has led me to obsessively research breastfeeding and how to get baby to have a good latch.  Knowledge is power??? Lol.
This was at 19.3. Weeks but trust me the bump is even bigger now :)
Well, I think that's all for now!!! 
I love you all!!!

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