Saturday, June 4, 2016

13 Weeks

Looking back on the last week of my first trimester, I have to admit that it was very eventful. :)
I graduated from beauty school and it feels really nice to deal with what is hopefully the last of my morning sickness at home rather than at school. Haha.
I also landed a job as an esthetician and will start in about a week and a half!!!!

More baby related stuff though.  Baby is about the size of a lemon and weighs about 1.5 oz.  I can't believe how big little one is already!!!!! When all the pregnancy apps give food comparisons to show how big the baby is, I always think of that fruit floating around in my belly. Hello, Lemon baby!!!
I have started to feel some quickening at night and Jon is a little jealous that he can't feel it yet!!!  The morning sickness is still going strong but hopefully it will start to wane soon.  I am not showing quite yet although I suspect that I will have a little bump in a week or two :)

Talk to you guys soon!!

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