Wednesday, June 29, 2016

7 Ways to Look and Feel Beautiful while Pregnant

** Before I get into the main subject of this post I want to ask for prayers for my nephew who was flown to Riley's Children's Hospital this afternoon.
I feel like self-esteem while you are pregnant is a taboo subject.  I have always viewed as the most beautiful thing to happen to a woman.  And then I got pregnant.  My body changed so fast that I didn't even recognize myself in the mirror.  I was sick all the time and my belly was (and is) expanding by the day.  It's really hard to feel beautiful when you're getting huge. LOL.
So I have compiled some tips that have helped me to feel somewhat like myself during this amazing process.
1.  Surround yourself with loving and supportive family and friends.
I cannot express how important this is.  My husband is wonderful at telling me how beautiful I look.  And reminding me that no, I don't look fat, I definitely look pregnant.  (I need this reminder more often than I would care to admit).  Other family members that are supportive are equally important.  I was at a family gathering a few weeks ago and one of my aunts told me that my bump looked small! 
17.4 weeks

2. Try to do something productive. 
I know that this can be easier said than done.  I get it.  I was sick for all of my first trimester and it can be close to impossible to get anything around the house done.  Try folding a basket of laundry, take your dirty dishes to the sink.  If your in the throws of morning sickness aim low.  Even that will make you feel better. :)

3. Don't forget about hobbies and activities that you love.
It is SO easy to get completely wrapped up in your pregnancy.  Don't forget about your love of baseball or your love of reading.  At this point don't forget about you.  Life will become all about the baby soon enough.

4. Do something active.
Ladies, this is the time to have a fitness routine if you don't currently have one.  I am SO bad at this but whenever I take a walk, I just feel better and feel refreshed.  My doctor recommends walking but make sure to check with yours before you start a new fitness routine.

5. Take care of your skin!
For me this is the most important.  If I don't wash my face in the morning, I feel like my day hasn't started.  When you take care of your skin, you look more radiant and helps your makeup apply more smoothly.  You should also use an SPF every day to prevent hyperpigmentation and melasma.  

6. Get creative with your wardrobe.
This is a fairly new one for me.  For weeks I've been wearing yoga pants and baggy t-shirts.  I feel so much better when I actually plan an outfit.  Don't forget that you can utilize your pre-pregnancy wardrobe as well!!!!

7.  Don't be afraid to talk about your insecurities.
This is a big one.  Keeping your feelings to yourself can lead to feelings of isolation and depression.  Find a girlfriend who can relate.  Join a pregnancy community board.  Do something!!!

Talk to you soon!!

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